March Madness


March is a busy month! You've had a lot going on the last couple of weeks.
- Last week you stayed home with daddy while he was on Spring Break. He said y'all had a good time hanging out. You ran errands with him & spent some time at the gym. He even brought you to the bank so I could see you (and all my coworkers too. They love when you drop by.)
- Last week was also mine & daddy's birthday week. His was Monday & mine was Saturday. Thus we had a full week of activities. We had special dinners with friends & family. And a surprise visit from Auntie LaLa. I think y'all bonded.
- Sunday was St. Patricks Day. You wore a sweet yellow dress to church that morning & a fun onsie that evening. You're so cute!
- Saturday we went and played with bunnies for Easter pics.
- Sunday we went to take pics with bulldog puppies. We had you all dressed up in a Tech outfit but you weren't too excited so the shoot didn't go so well.
**enter picture here***
I love to experience each of these with you.
Love ya, Momma

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All Things Avalynn